

Kate-Lois Elliott: How to Belong Without Joining a Cult; 21Soho; 13th July 2024; from £8

With Edinburgh Fringe just around the corner, London is yet again packed to the brim with previews from up-and-coming comedians…

This year, rising star and British Writers’ Guild Award Nominee Kate-Lois Elliott will make her Ed Fringe debut with HOW TO BELONG WITHOUT JOINING A CULT. The show centres around the true story of Kate’s family, who were brought up in a secretive cult until her mum escaped as a teenager. One generation later, in a completely unrelated set of events, a teenage Kate finds herself in the clutches of an equally toxic, controlling, and militant operation… you know, just your average group of teenage girls… Because, as it turns out, cults are everywhere… just ask anyone with a TESCO Clubcard.

July 13th at 21Soho tickets HERE.



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