My West London Life

Therese Grankvist


Singer-songwriter and ethereal vegetarian Therese Grankvist tells us all about her new track, Mandolin, and her favourite west London hangouts

You’ve lived in west London for years now, what first brought you here?

I lived with my friend Stephen in London Bridge until one day he said, ‘We should move west.’ We did and I haven’t looked back since.

You’re originally from Stockholm. What do you miss most about Sweden?

I miss the beautiful Swedish countryside and being able to walk for five minutes and finding myself in a wild forest surrounded by cows and horses.

We hear your brilliant new single Mandolin has just been released! How long has this been in the pipeline?

Jay, aka Jodie Harsh, and I had planned to collaborate for quite some time until eventually we did. The result is Mandolin. It was recorded last summer and released just last week, but it has already been A-listed by radio stations.

Tell us more, how would you describe the track?

I wanted to sing it with an ethereal fairy-like feel. I wanted to bring more of a mandolin element to it and balance out the rest of the track, which is quite quirky, with a distinct hook. It felt a bit different.

Mandolin is a collaboration with London drag act, Jodie Harsh. How did you guys meet? Have you known each other long?

I met Jodie a few years at a club in London and then we met again and again, and here we are now ruling the dancefloors together.

Your biggest chart topping single was your 2004 track Put ‘Em High with dance musician Stonebridge. How has your music evolved in the last eight years?

Put ‘Em High was different, as it was a Stonebridge production. It takes time to find and develop your own sound. Luckily I’ve had a lot of time to do that and worked with some really talented people. I think it’s only natural to progress. I can’t describe my sound very well… I’ll leave it to the person listening.

Do you write and perform all your own music? Do you compose the melodies as well as the lyrics?

Yes for the most part, but I also love co-writing as it opens up whole new dimensions.

Favourite place to hang out in west London?

We tend to hang out around Portobello and places like The Duke of Wellington, The Star, Groundfloor, Portobello House and Trailer Happiness (which is warm and a bit smelly).

How do you wind down?

I meditate and go for walks in the park.

Describe your perfect weekend…

A nice Saturday lie in with breakfast, no rush, a long walk in the park or maybe some shopping; meet up with friends for lunch, and depending on how I feel either go out or just stay home and chill. Sunday’s the same.

Have you always been vegetarian? Where’s the best veggie food spot in west London?

I started to go off meat about five years ago – it just didn’t taste good anymore and I found it hard to digest. I still ate some chicken but gradually I went off that as well. I still have the odd bit of fish and egg here and there, so I’m not radical. I just listen to what my body likes and dislikes. I most like to grab something to take to the park from the all-veggie Grain Shop on Portobello.

Where and when are you happiest?

When I’m with family and friends. Being close to nature makes me extremely happy. When I’m in the studio being creative it’s amazing, and doing charity work is very rewarding.

Therese is a singer-songwriter best known for the chart-topping single Put ‘Em High. She has just released a new track called Mandolin with London drag-act Jodie Harsh.

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