My West London Life

Dr Daniel Sister


BeautyWorksWest's world-renowed hormone and anti-ageing specialist, Dr Daniel Sister reveals all about his Dracula treatment...

Medicine is a wide field – what inspired you to specialise in beauty?

We all live longer these days, so for me combining medicine with beauty was inspiring. People’s appearances affect them greatly and looking good also helps your state of mind which is crucial to well being.

Where do you live in west London and why?

North Kensington – it’s walking distance to the office and very close to open spaces for my dog… Also quite central and easy to find restaurants, shops, cinemas, etc. After Paris, Los Angeles and Dublin, London is the perfect place. It is near my work and I love to walk through Portobello. I’ve always lived in west London – I love it!

If I could do one thing a day to help the anti-ageing process, what would you advise?

Enjoy your life, do nothing in excess. You have only one chance of enjoying your life – enjoy one day a time. Stress is very damaging. Drink plenty of water.

Tell us about your ‘Dracula’ therapy…

I am always looking for innovative, safe treatments that get great results. After pioneering seven treatments in the UK, I got very excited about Dracula Therapy, because it is the most logical, effective, and safe treatment available; no-one gets allergic reactions as you are using your own blood. Using a concentrated form of pre-stem cells and growth factors derived from the patient’s own blood is very attractive and exciting.

What’s your view on invasive cosmetic surgery?

The future is less and less about invasive cosmetic surgery and people want it much less than before – especially for minor things. Non-invasive is a better way and is much cheaper, less down-time and much faster results. I think it depends on what it is for…

Have you been on any travels recently, if so where?

I was in Los Angeles a month ago for a two-day convention on Dracula therapy where I gave three lectures. Before that, I was in Norway and Scotland to train doctors there. Off to France now for a short break.

What’s the most popular treatment you offer and why?

Again Dracula, because we can use it all over the body; from hair loss to skin rejuvenation – face, hands, knees, elbows, even breast enhancement…

What’s your most memorable moment?

When I opened my first medical practice at the age of 23 – looking back I was so young.

Where do you go to relax with friends in west London?

I love going to all those little restaurants around Notting Hill and Portobello – nothing pretentious. Oh, and hanging out in my garden is the best.

What are your plans for this year?

Finding more new treatments and hopefully more lecturing abroad.

What could you not live without?

My wife, my dog and my work.

World renowed hormonal and anti-ageing specialist, Dr Daniel Sister, practices exclusively at BeautyWorksWest;;

London Real Estate boss Alex Bourne on Buying London


Kate Elliott meets London Real Estate agent Alex Bourne, fresh from appearing on Netflix's Buying London

Hi Alex, you’ve just hit our screens with the hotly anticipated Netflix show, Buying London… but you were working in Real Estate long before this. What made you want to work in property and how did you start?

Before finding my way into property, I had quite a few jobs, including being an actor, a massageRead more →

Mr David Gordon


Consultant Foot and Ankle Surgeon aka The Bunion Doctor, Mr David Gordon, spilled his secrets on 'healthy feet' and his favourite spots to visit in West London.

Where is your practice based?

I work across three separate hospitals, Spire Harpenden Hospital which is in Hertfordshire, Spire Bushey Hospital in North London and at the London Clinic, based in Marylebone.

What is your favourite place to visit or favourite thing to do in London?

I love visiting The… Read more →