My West London Life

christina russillo

Christina Russillo


Director and driving force behind the beauty and spa brand Cowshed, ambitious west Londoner Christina Russillo has plans for new spa openings as near as Primrose Hill and as far as Barcelona, Istanbul and Mumbai

How long have you lived in West London?

Nick Jones (founder/CEO of Soho House) brought me over to London from NYC to head up Cowshed four years ago. I spent the first eight months in Chiswick, but was soon drawn to the cooler vibe of Westbourne Grove.

What do you love most about the area?

This part of west London is reminiscent of New York. It has such a great melting pot of nationalities that it brings out a feeling of urban cool. I find it really inspiring.

How do you chill out after work?

I love to spend quality time with friends, either eating at Pizza East or Shoreditch House, or in their homes. I do force myself to work out as well. Living opposite BodyWorksWest is pretty convenient.

And where might we find you on a sunny Sunday?

I often hang out with friends down in Chiswick. We walk my best friend’s dog and end up at The Roebuck Pub for a big roast lunch.

Where do you shop?

I am a massive Matches fan and, as a shoe freak, I love their latest Christian Louboutin collection. MyWardrobe is another dangerous habit – I recently found some fabulous geometric hoops.

Jane Shepherdson, CEO of Whistles, commented last week that she prefers to employ women.  Do you share this sentiment?

It is mostly females who tend to apply for roles at Cowshed, but this does work well because I need to know that the team feels passionately about the brand. We recently ran a collaboration with Whistles (called Whistling Cow) – I am full of admiration for what Jane has done for Whistles. I am a big fan of their T-shirts and recently bought the jacket I’m wearing!

Tell us a secret or two about Cowshed.

Well, we have some exciting launches and collaborations on the horizon. I’ll just say Primrose Hill and Hush… you’ll hear more soon!

As the director and driving force behind the beauty and spa brand Cowshed, ambitious west Londoner Christina Russillo has plans for new spa openings as near as Primrose Hill and as far as Barcelona, Istanbul and Mumbai.

Cowshed Clarendon Cross, 119 Portland Road, London, W11; 
020 7078 1944;

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