My West London Life

Chris Grabiec

Chris Grabiec


Producer and DJ, Chris Grabiec on inspirations and getting away from it all in Cornwall

Where do you live and why?

I live in Acton. I grew up in Chiswick (Turnham Green) and although I left home in my early twenties, I have always stayed in or close to the west London area. For me west London will always be home.

Who is your muse, or your biggest inspiration and why?

I have one of each actually. Firstly my muse is Sarah-Jayne Newton – she is an amazing, positive person with a great outlook on life, as well as a very talented musician. I could not imagine making music without Sarah. My biggest inspiration has to be my producing partner, Nat Clarkson – I have worked with Nat for three years now and he is a very talented producer and has taught me loads. I would not be where I am with my music projects without him.

How would you describe your personal style?

I am a trance producer and DJ, so my main style and focus is melodic and uplifting trance and progressive trance.

Do you have any rituals when you DJ?

When I am getting ready to go out I like to play Human by the Killers.

What do you think makes your working relationship with singer Sarah-Jayne so successful?

Sarah and I clicked from day one. Although she comes from an acoustic/classical musical background, when we started to work together she really loved the trance sound. In fact, if you had a look at her iphone today, you will find 99 per cent trance. When we write together, Sarah knows exactly what I am after. We are currently co-writing my second album, which will definitely showcase our musical fusion.

Where did you last go on holiday and what did you get up to?

My new favourite place is Cornwall. We go regularly for some peace and quiet and to get away from phones and computers. I like to relax in the country so we just get up to the usual – long walks, watching the sun go down and catching up on sleep.

What’s in your fridge at the moment?

A bottle of Champagne and a bottle of wine that I was given for Christmas – no drinking for me while the album is in production.

What advice would you give to anyone trying to break into the scene?

Be relentless, work hard, be prepared to sacrifice and definitely focus on quality.

What are your plans for the rest of the year?

In the following order; finish and release our album, then Sarah and I are getting married in the summer and going on honeymoon.

London Real Estate boss Alex Bourne on Buying London


Kate Elliott meets London Real Estate agent Alex Bourne, fresh from appearing on Netflix's Buying London

Hi Alex, you’ve just hit our screens with the hotly anticipated Netflix show, Buying London… but you were working in Real Estate long before this. What made you want to work in property and how did you start?

Before finding my way into property, I had quite a few jobs, including being an actor, a massageRead more →

Mr David Gordon


Consultant Foot and Ankle Surgeon aka The Bunion Doctor, Mr David Gordon, spilled his secrets on 'healthy feet' and his favourite spots to visit in West London.

Where is your practice based?

I work across three separate hospitals, Spire Harpenden Hospital which is in Hertfordshire, Spire Bushey Hospital in North London and at the London Clinic, based in Marylebone.

What is your favourite place to visit or favourite thing to do in London?

I love visiting The… Read more →