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Shopping News

Tips to prepare for your end of tenancy inspection

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There comes a time when all tenants look to move on. Whether they’re off to pastures new or moving out to buy a place of their own, as a landlord you’ll need to step in to ensure they have a departure that is as smooth as possible for all involved. Indeed, tenancies are becoming… Read more →
travel money saving

Money saving tips to help you see more of the world

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Many of us have a bucket list containing incredible destinations around the globe that we would love to visit, whether it’s volunteering with Look for cheaper holidays in a location you want to explore and enjoy the combo price of the flights and the hotel, then plan… Read more →

Give your garden a Fantastic spring clean

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Spring is (almost) upon us, and with it Nature gifts a makeover to the green spaces of the city, with colour and new life springing up wherever you look. After the winter frosts and dark days, though, even the most flower-filled garden could do with a bit of maintenance… Read more →

The financial lifecycle: Key issues from your teens to retirement

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Modern life can be pretty expensive. From the cost of going to university to buying a house, having children, going on holiday and purchasing a car right through to everyday expenses, it isn’t always easy to keep up. As a result of this, many of us need to turn to borrowing… Read more →

The hottest events this autumn

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Good times in London don’t need to be over when summer ends, there’s plenty to do in this bustling capital during the latter half of the year, too! Here’s our roundup of the hottest events happening in London this year during the 2017 Autumn/Winter season.


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hippodrome casino

Changing times for west London’s casinos

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Few industries have enjoyed such a wild rollercoaster ride in the past decade as the casino industry. And in west London, many gaming establishments have sought to counter negative press and their newfound digital counterpart by implementing some innovative new… Read more →

Five benefit cuts and how they might affect you

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The UK spends more than £250 billion on welfare—making up just over a third of all spending—with the payments going towards supporting those in need. The way in which this budget is spent is under constant scrutiny and proves a regular source of political… Read more →

Three key prep steps to take before applying for your first mortgage

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Congratulations! You’ve got your deposit ready and you’ve found the home of your dreams. The next important item on your list is your first time buyer mortgage. Before you apply, however, there are a few steps we recommend you take to give yourself the… Read more →

Golden rules to follow when planning for old age and retirement

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What do you want to do when you retire? Most people have designs on seeing the world with a far flung holiday or two to fill their blissfully free schedules. Yet while a cruise, beach holiday or dream road trip might be high on most wish lists, they can cost a lot of money.… Read more →

Most common household problems that can put you in the red

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Household repairs and replacements happen when you least expect it—and usually when it’s been a particularly tight month money wise, life does enjoy testing us sometimes. When these occur, we may find ourselves slipping into our overdraft or taking out a… Read more →