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Five ways to create a dog-friendly garden

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With a dog’s curiosity never faltering, pet-proofing your garden is a helpful way to give them the freedom they require outdoors, while ensuring they are kept safe, happy and healthy while at play. If you want to know what measures you should be taking to make your garden… Read more →

Three ways working with an executive coach can make you more successful

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Coaching has become more widely available and is considered essential for many high-level CEOs & execs. A qualified, talented coach can help you become more successful—a big claim, what does it really mean? Today we will look at three ways working with… Read more →

Is London safe? How to protect yourself in London

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London has become a lawless place to live and visit recently, with London overtaking New York to become the murder capital of the world—if only briefly. Knife crime is rife and moped-enabled robbery gangs ride freely around the city, carelessly helping themselves… Read more →
Photog Dylan Nolte

UK Lottery expanding alongside online options

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We love Lotto for some very good reasons. The enormous range of cash prizes on offer help, sure, but we also love that brief period of wonder, where we fantasise about what we would do if we won big. Pay off all of our bills, go on a big trip, buy a new house, or tell our bosses… Read more →

Where to watch the World Cup in west London

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The World Cup 2018 is almost upon us, and with this summer set to be a scorcher, most people don’t want to be sitting in their living room glued to the TV to watch it. One of the best things about the competition is the sense of community it inspires, as fans gather to view… Read more →

How to find the real you

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Do you feel less true to yourself as you get older? Many people experience this concern. Despite becoming more mature with each passing second, as we all are, our lives are bombarded with ever more “stuff”. This is the age of immediate communication and endless information… Read more →

Buying a house in London – the need-to-knows

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London is one of the most famous capital cities in the world, a place people flock for adventure and opportunity. It is the land of plenty, and a place where it feels like anyone can make it. If you want to buy a house in London you need to know what you’re getting yourself… Read more →

How to throw a garden party fit for the royals

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As the Royal Wedding draws closer and the English weather is warming up, there is every reason to be outside celebrating. Whether you’re planning on hosting a barbecue or gathering friends for a couple of drinks, why not make the most of the sun and create your own royal… Read more →

Get your skates on at Rolladome

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With the next school holidays approaching, you will no doubt be looking for activities in London that will amuse the kids and won’t break the bank. How about introducing them to roller sports, a retro pastime that has made a big comeback over the last few years? RolladomeRead more →

Reduce the costs during a house clearance

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A house clearance can be a stressful event. More than that, you might exceed your budget and spend more than you initially thought. However, there are some methods that you can use in order to save some money during a house clearance. We have listed them bellow and are… Read more →