How To Make Your Outdoor Space Usable & Cosy This Winter

Winter is at the corner, meaning the end of outdoor parties, get-togethers and barbecues, right? Well, that’s not the case. The chill in the air should not make you hibernate inside your home till spring like a bear.

In fact, now is the right time to make some improvements to your outdoor space to make it cosy for you and your family throughout winter.

Here, we’ve presented you with several ways to create a luxurious and usable outdoor space for winter as well as summer.

1. Outdoor Lighting

During winter, the sun goes down early. That means less lighting in the outdoors. Chances are you will get tempted to go inside to enjoy the brightness and warmth. However, you can make your outdoor living space more comfortable by incorporating lights.

Add some lit trees and combine them with LED lighting to bring even more light to your patio. Think of lanterns too. Lanterns are magical when used during the cold months. Place them on your pathway to deliver bold lighting or hang them from the gate to bring a whole new beautiful perspective to outdoor lighting.

2. Add A Source of Heat

A heavy jacket is not enough to keep you warm when chilling on your patio during winter. That’s why you need to integrate a source of heat to make the space warm and comfortable.

An outdoor heater can do the trick. They’re built to get their operating power from gas (natural gas or propane) or electricity. Incorporate the heater into your patio roof design to keep everyone warm.

To spice up things, consider adding a fire pit or even reclaimed & antique fireplaces. Fire pits evoke a warm, calm and relaxing ambience. And who doesn’t love a bonfire? You, your family and friends can surround the bonfire as you chat and toast marshmallows. The antique fireplaces not only provide warmth but also add a touch of elegance and history to your patio. They can be a great conversation starter too!

To keep everything safe, store any flammable liquids in flammable storage cabinets to protect your house and garden.

3. Use Outdoor Furniture

The rain, cold air, and snow can affect your outdoor furniture. Therefore, consider investing in tables and chairs that can withstand cold temperatures. You need furniture designed to resist elements for several seasons. Search for outdoor furniture made from materials like natural teak, polyresin wicker, or powder-coated steel.

To even increase their shelflife, invest in covers. You can find outdoor furniture covers online from Walmart and Amazon. Also, after using your furniture cushions outside, take them with you inside to protect them from damage. Alternatively, invest in cushions made from fabrics treated for water, mould, stain and UV resistance.

4. Cosy Up Things

Incorporating a heat source and light source into your outdoor space makes it lively. But you can make your patio even more comfortable by throwing in some throw blankets, pillows, and maybe even a hot beverage to ward off the chill.

Keep in mind that your outdoor furniture might not be as comfortable as you think. If they’re made from coated steel, they will feel cold. Your guest might prefer going inside instead. So make sure you cover the seats with a fuzzy plaid blanket and give them another blanket to bundle themselves in.

5. Invest In Warm Seats

If you don’t wish to wrap your outdoor seats with blankets every time, then get a heated seat. Heated chairs feature a built-in heating mechanism. Therefore, every time you take a seat, you’ll feel warm and comfortable.

These seats are slightly expensive but worth it. If you enjoy staying outside during winter, reading or just chilling, you will love them. Not only are they long-lasting but also stylish. Therefore, they will improve your patio aesthetics.

6. Install A Hot Tub or Spa

Winter is that time when people like conserving their energy and staying warm indoors. But if you love chilly adventures, a spa or a hot tub will keep you happy during the cold months.

Installing a hot tub or spa in your outdoor space can help you stay warm and comfortable when you soak in, even when it’s chilly outside. You will also benefit from the hydrotherapy benefits of soaking in a hot tub or spa. The benefits include warming your chilly bones, easing tension in muscles, and relaxing joints.

You can accessorise your spa to add even more warmth and comfort: add a towel warmer, a weatherproof rug and some heating lamps.

A hot tub is a great place to relax and unwind alone, with your family or friends – especially during the winter holidays.

7. Remember To Grill

The end of summer should not mean the end of grilling. Keep on grilling even during winter to stay warm and toasty.

Are you a pizza fan? Then invest in an outdoor pizza oven and add it to your outdoor kitchen space. Trust us! Your outdoor kitchen space will be a subject of discussion among your friends for many days since they get to enjoy crazy and tasty meals made by you. During the winter months, there’s no better way to impress your friends and family than by serving up delicious homemade pizzas from your very own outdoor pizza oven. To make this a reality, consider installing a pizza oven with the help of oven kits. Consider using these Valoriani Pizza Oven Kits that can provide all the components needed to build an authentic wood-fired oven right in your backyard. With your own outdoor pizza oven, you can recreate the flavors of a traditional Italian pizzeria and serve up piping hot, delicious pizzas. Trust us! Your outdoor kitchen space will be a subject of discussion among your friends for many days since they get to enjoy crazy and tasty meals made by you.

Because of the snow and cold temperature, it’s wise to get everything in order before you start grilling. Ensure your outdoor kitchen space remains covered. If you don’t, you might end up shovelling snow from your grill and pizza oven.

8. Stay Closer to The House

Last but not least, don’t set up your outdoor living space so far from your house. Being close to your house during winter means you will have easy access to food, drinks, blankets, and other things. You will also enjoy shelter from rain and wind.

We recommend you stick to an electric heater to warm your space. If you have to use a gasoline heater or light a fire, then be cautious.


Just because the cold months look dark and gloomy, it doesn’t mean it has to stay that way. Light up your mood as well as your outdoor spaces to create a lively experience.

Install a spa and soak in with a friend while drinking hot chocolate or even wine. Keep on grilling or making pizza for your family. Instead of sweating like in the summer, you’ll stay all toasty and warm. Invite your friend over and toast some marshmallows in a bonfire.

There’s so much you can do to make your outdoor living space usable and cosy during winter – all you have to do it to start. We have already provided you with great ideas. So, what are you waiting for?

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